Friday, August 8, 2008

Party's Over

There are very few things that I get to choose with MS. I don't get to choose whether my legs will work or not. As a matter of fact, I fell for the second time in two weeks while carrying Ben the other night. Ben now reminds me while I am carrying him "don't fall, mama!” I don't get to choose how well my eyes will work from day to day. And, I didn't get to choose how long my bladder would last. But, I do get to choose one thing. I get to choose how I will deal with the cards I have been dealt. You see, you don't choose the cards; you can only choose how you play the hand. I have chosen to play with a positive attitude! Feeling crappy, being depressed, being pissed off isn't going to improve my diagnosis or my symptoms. If anything, it will make it worse. Having a positive attitude makes me feel better from day to day. It makes my kids life better to have a positive mom and it makes my husband excited to come home to a happy house each night after work. So bad attitude, this is your notice; the pity party is over. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!!


Crystal D said...

Go Kelli! I love the attitude, it looks good on you.

Lisa said...

I need Kelli 101 right now as my attitude needs some work. Your so right though - I have control of my outlook. Good for you, my friend!!!! It was good talking to you yesterday.

Anonymous said...

you are awesome!!!

Mamarazzi said...

an amazing attitude. you can hear your heartbeat through your words...FABULOUS!!

i have been on a bloggy break i am here to catch up. oh how i have missed your bloggy goodness! sorry i have been away for so long, it wasn't my intention!

here we go weeeeeeeeeee!

Jaina said...

Good for you, that's the best attitude to have. You are looking at the right side of things.