Wednesday, March 5, 2008

BaRock Lost To Harry

Don't you hate when you are watching a football game, your team is ahead, you relax a little, fall asleep, then wake up and your team has lost. That's how I feel this morning waking up to the Obama loss. The only consolation is that 'Harry Clinton' will have to win every remaining state to receive the nomination.


suchsimplepleasures said...

that is so funny that you posted this because, my husband and i were watching a bit of it last night but...we fell asleep. this morning, i went on to find out the results.

Ryan and Katie said...

Hey Kelli,

We had to take our blog private. If you want in on the (top secret) party, send me an email.

Mamarazzi said...

i know this news bummed me out toooo~~ grrr

here is something that might cheer ya up!!

my Thursday Thirteen this week is 13 Blog Awards for Bloggy Goodness, and um yeah...there is a little L O V E waiting for you. come and get it!