Thursday, March 15, 2007

Oh No, She Didn't!

I am still in shock. I am downstairs in the kitchen cooking dinner and talking to Jack about the 4 shots he will receive tomorrow at the doctor's office. We agreed that it might make him feel better to give me my shot (Copaxone for MS) and watch how mommy doesn't cry. So, needless to say, I have my hands full cooking dinner and getting a shot from a 4 year old who is playing doctor. And down comes Lauren, her diaper in hand. I say a quick prayer hoping that she has just removed the diaper and hasn't gone potty. Wishful thinking...I pick her up only to notice a giant wet spot in the front of her dress. I go to put another diaper on her and see poopy residue on her hiney...that's right, she removed her diaper and pooped some where in my house. At this point the only thing I could do is go on a poop hunt. I found it at the top of the steps and I guess I can be thankful that it was a nice firm one and none of the other kids had played with it. YUCK! What is with my kids and excrement? Did I do something to make God want to literally piss and shit on me? If so, I would like to know so I can fix it! At least Ben hasn't been disgusting today too...

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