Friday, March 23, 2007

The Best Feeling In The World

This morning was hectic. Both Ben and Lauren had leaky diapers in the night. I didn't clean up the kitchen last night before we went to bed. I awoke to a filthy kitchen that needed to be cleaned up before we could even have breakfast. What was I thinking? Ben was crying his fool head off, Lauren was screaming mama at the top of her lungs and Jack was crying because I had given him what he asked for to eat for breakfast and he had changed his mind. Then Travis calls, from Mexico, to tell me about a telephone interview he had. Of course he wanted and expected my full attention, but I could barely hear him over the roar of angry children. I needed a Calgon remember that commercial, right?

After breakfast I sat on the couch to feel sorry for myself for a minute when all three kids came to sit on my lap. We spent several minutes just holding each other. How do they know when I need that? It is just the best feeling in the world to have all three of them hugging in peace and harmony. Of course, it didn't last long. Eventually they started getting annoyed that they were touching each other and started hitting and kicking each other. Luckily, I had gotten what I needed and was ready to face the rest of the day!

The MOPS drama continues. Many emails have come through either to speak out against the previously explained email and a couple of people have come forward in support for the poor girl who started all of this controversy. I am still staying out of it. I received a call from the girl who sent out the initial email, nearly in tears, asking me to send an email asking people to stop and only use the yahoo email for MOPS business. I hate to sensor the groups ability to communicate, but I also hate to see the group falling apart from all of the cutting emails. It seems like people who you know wouldn't say nasty things to the face of another feel safe hiding behind the screen of their computer. Stop this madness!

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