Thursday, March 29, 2007


I am done with this MOPS bullshit! I vow to not give it another thought until the meeting tomorrow and after that I will not think about it again. This morning I received what I would call a 'hate email' from someone I consider a friend, not just a MOPS acquaintance. I will admit it, I flipped out. I sent back a very pointed email and to make a long story short, we are good now. But, it got my routine all messed up. The babies woke up a little late and Jack has school today. Because I was dealing with MOPS stuff we ended up running a little late and rushing around, which I hate!! I dropped Jack at school and ran into a friend and fellow steering member from MOPS, she looked at me with an 'I am so sorry you have to deal with this look' and I just started crying. I got home and immediately put the babies down for their morning nap. When they got up at 11:30 I couldn't figure out why they were so cranky. By noon, I had come to my senses. I had forgotten to feed them breakfast and they hadn't eaten all day. I suck! I am officially taking two giant steps back from MOPS. If my family or my MOPS group has to suffer, I am choosing MOPS to suffer. Poor Ben and Lauren! They are currently on seconds for lunch!

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