Sunday, April 27, 2008

There's No Crying In Baseball

Last night was little league night at our local AA baseball team. This was the first game we have taken Ben and Lauren to and if I have my way, the last for several years. Jack got to stand on the field in his uniform during the national anthem. He did us proud and removed his hat and covered his heart with it just as we instructed. I sat down with the kids and Travis went to buy the traditional stadium hot dogs. The vendors were swarmed by hundreds of fathers doing the same thing. Meanwhile I was stuck herding cats. Ben went one way, Lauren would go the other as Jack got on and off his seat each time it flipped up it hit me in the funny bone. Two innings later Travis and the sacrificial dogs arrived. Ben and Lauren ate the hot dog and left me holding the bun. I thought things were looking up, I had my beer AND another cat herder to assist me. It was about this time a cold front blew through. Did I bring jackets for the kids? Nope. Lauren did her best to climb inside of me. Kicking my beer and sloshing a valuable sip every three seconds. By the 5th inning we were all huddled together in 2 1/2 seats, only using half of the seats we purchased. My beer was gone and so was my sense of humor so I asked Travis if he was still having fun. He looked at me as though I was crazy, "Yes, aren't you?" Were we at the same game? Obviously not! I had to keep reminding myself there is no crying in baseball! I convinced the boys to throw in the towel early and forgo the promised base running after the game. Our neighbor works at the ballpark and told me that they let the kids run the bases every Friday night. I will be happy to return so Jack can run the bases as long as I have a babysitter for Ben and Lauren and it is at least 20 degrees warmer!


Mamarazzi said...

a combination of fun and misery...

oh and hey there i dropped a little LOVE for you over on my blog. come and get it chickie!

You. Are. Welcome.

Jaina said...

Sounds eerily like a scene out of my family. There were times my mom would flat out refuse to go to a baseball game because all she did was herd children, and my youngest brother is notoriously bad for needing to shove things into his mouth the entire length of the game. It gets expensive, and my mom gets annoyed. My dad of course, has a similar reaction. :)

Lisa said...

I can just see Travis telling you he was having a great time!!! Too funny! I bet Jack loved being out on the field though.
PS - Will answer your reading question soon...I have lots of good thoughts ;)