Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Benny's The Best

Lauren and Jack have been a couple of pills lately. But, just as my mother always told me, the reason you have more than one child is because when one is being really rotten you usually have one that is being good. Lately, Benny is the good one. Here are just a few excerpts of his cuteness lately.

Me: Come on buddy, let's go!
Ben: Me not buddy, me Benny.
Me: Can I call you buddy?
Ben: No, Jackie buddy. Me Benny.

Ben: (ripped a huge burp)
Me: What do you say Benny?
Ben: I tooted out of my mouth!
Me: That is a burp, what do you say?

Me: What is all over your face?
Ben: (coming at me with a huge smile and chocolate pudding from ear to ear) A SMILE!!


Crystal D said...

Your mom was so right! Isn't it great when you catch them all on a rare good day! It is really nice how they sort of make up for each other on the hard ones.

Mamarazzi said...

so cute!

i love "A SMILE" tpp precious!

Anonymous said...

Aw, the smile one is sooo precious!!

Lisa said...

I love "a smile"! What a heart breaker :)

Jaina said...

From the mouths of babes. I love that last one. Too cute!