Monday, April 28, 2008

Oh Buck, The Sink Is Blooded!

Jack: MOM! Lauren blooded the sink!
Me: Lauren did what?
Jack: She BLOODED the sink!
Me: She got blood on the sink?
Jack: NO! She blooded the sink upstairs!
Me: Can you wipe it up?
Jack: No, it is everywhere, I need your help.

I went upstairs expecting to find a small mess on the sink. Instead, I stepped into a puddle. She 'flooded' the sink! Lauren had put the dolphin to one of Ben's Diego sets in the sink, plugged it up, turned on the water and walked away. Due to Jack and I's communication problems water was pouring down the front of the cabinets and onto the floor by the time I arrived. We had water inside the cabinet, on the floor and seeping into the carpet. This after Lauren and I had already had a discussion about not playing in the bathroom when she showed me the baby bottle she had filled with water. The water play is all too familiar. When Jack was about this age we had all sorts of water problems. The Hokey Pokey Elmo went swimming in the fish tank, and then he attempted to resuscitate him on my upholstered ottoman. We thought Elmo had come out okay, and then he started singing in the middle of the night so he went to the toy heaven made so famous by the Velveteen Rabbit and Toy Story.


Jaina said...

Oh no! What a mess! Though, all in all, water is better than blood, right? Hopefully she'll get past this water stage soon.

Mamarazzi said...

ACK!!! a breakdown in communication but i loooooved your clever you!

Crystal D said...

Oh Buck! Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Oh Man! I was thinking something a million times worse.