Saturday, April 12, 2008


Ben: Are you pooping Lolo?
Lauren: Yeah.
Ben: Get your pants changed, you stinky!
Lauren: Me not done.
Ben: Get away from me, you stinky!
Lauren: No!
Ben: Yes!
Lauren: NO!!
Ben: YES!! You STINKY!
Lauren: Me not stinky, me just pooping.
Ben: YOU STINKY! GET AWAY FROM ME! Tell mommy to change your pants.

Clearly these children are ready to be potty trained. What am I doing wrong? Why can't they be more like Jack?


SWC said...

You'll get there! I'm rooting for you and the kiddos. In the meantime, the stories (and dialog) are hilarious! LOL!

Crystal D said...

Well, I am not sure exactly how old the twins are, but Amelia just turned 3 and she JUST got potty trained. She was changing her own pullups before it happened. She would NOT regularly use the potty. She would NEVER poo in the potty.
One day a couple weeks ago I put her in underwear, set a timer for 30 minutes and off we went. Every 30-45 minutes the timer went off and she ran to the potty. We only had to use the timer about 5 days. We only have had 3-4 accidents and most of them have been standing in the bathroom (just not there quite fast enough). She still has pull-ups at night and nap time. She was holding the poo until naptime and bedtime (which is normal for her) and then one day she yelled "Mommy I Pooped in the potty" and we never looked back. It helps that the weather is a little nicer and I put her in elastic cotton pants and shorts so it is easy for her to pull them off and on.

Mamarazzi said...

love the convo...hilarious! hang in there!