Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Hair On My Chinny Chin Chin

I am getting older. How do I know this? Well let's see; I have parentheses around my mouth that I didn't have before, I have a flabby stomach that won't go away no matter how hard I try, I have permanent freckles on my shoulders, bunions on my feet and worst of all I have a persistent chin hair. That's right people, I have a small mole on my chin that a stubborn hair has deemed it's home. I pluck this little black bastard at least once a week. This morning Jack busted me plucking my little friend.

Jack: Don't do it mom that is going to hurt.
Me: I know buddy, but I can't go around with a hair coming out of my chin.
Jack: Why not?
Me: Do you think that would look good?
Jack: No.

As I turned back to the mirror to continue the plucking Jack had one more question.

Jack: Will I ever have to do that to my chin when I get older?
Me: No.
Jack: Why not?
Me: Because you will shave like daddy.
Jack: Why don't you just shave?
Me: Because thankfully, I only have one chin hair.
Jack: When you get older will you have to shave?
Me: I sure hope not!

1 comment:

Mamarazzi said...

girl i hear ya on THIS one chin hair had babies a few yrs ago...i swear as soon as i get a little cash i am getting it all lasered...i can deal with a little chub here and there but facial hair? me thinks NOT!

I refuse to think of them as chin hairs. I think of them as stray eyebrows. ~Janette Barber