Friday, May 2, 2008

Princess Lauren

I have been busier than a one-legged-man in an ass-kicking contest this week. Tuesday I had my all day Tysabri infusion, Wednesday we closed on our first rental property and since then I have been up to my ass in alligators getting everything ready on the new house. I finally have time to blog today because my car is in the shop getting an oil change and what not so I am trapped at home. My sister and nephew came and we had a picnic at the park. Besides that I have just been trying to tie up loose ends today. I couldn't let this week end without telling you about my little princess. What is it about little girls and princesses? I really don't feel like I have pushed the princess thing. As a matter of fact I have tried to push other things like Barbie, My Little Pony, baby dolls, etc in order to crowd out princesses. Lauren doesn't know the difference between Cinderella, Belle or Snow White, but she does know she likes princesses. I was on the computer when Lauren arrived in her dress up clothes. A fluffy pink gown, mismatched plastic heels, long plastic pearl necklace, purple and pink bangles, flashing pink cocktail ring, tiara and faux diamond studded wand.

Lauren: mommy, look at me, I am a princess.
Me: (without looking up) Yes you are!
Lauren: Look at me mommy! I am a princess!
Me: (still without looking) You are beautiful!
Lauren: (poking at me with her little index finger) LOOK MOMMY! I AM A PRINCESS!
Me: (giving her a half glance) Wow, you sure are a beautiful princess.
Lauren: (Hitting me with her wand and yelling with a growl in her voice) MOMMY, YOU NEED TO LOOK AT ME! I AM A BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS!!

Okay, okay I can take a hint. You may need to hit me with your wand, but you got your point across. I am not giving you the attention a beautiful princess deserves. Sorry baby, next week will be better!


Jaina said...

To quote A Little Princess, all girls are princesses. :) I'm glad she knows it. Good luck with getting everything done!

Mamarazzi said...

bwaaaah hahahaha ha ha "one legged man in an ass kicking contest" hilarious...ok i am going to go and read the rest now...HAHA!

Mamarazzi said...

wow she actually used the wand for the correct purpose...she is a VERY advanced princess indeed!

a REAL princess does whatever it takes to get the attention she deserves. tee hee

Lisa said...

I must send Lauren something princess for her birthday. As long as she knows Mama is Queen, it's alright for Lauren to be a princess.