Monday, April 21, 2008

Just A Little Mistake

Me: Lauren, what is in that cup? (a toy from her tea set)
Lauren: (long pause) Water.
Me: Did you get that from the bathroom?
Lauren: (another long pause) Yes.
Me: Are you allowed to play in the bathroom?
Lauren: (another long pause) No.
Me: Why were you playing in the bathroom?
Lauren: I am just making a little mistake.

How can you get mad at a 2 year old who says that?


Mamarazzi said...

true...ya gotta over look the leeeeetle mistakes...

way too cute!

Jaina said...

I don't see how you could. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face!

SHW said...

I still have an 8 year old making "little" mistakes! Think of the trouble they could cause together!