Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Could It Be Worse?

Q: What's worse than one sick kid?
A: Two sick kids.

Q: What's worse than two sick kids?
A: Three sick kids.

Q: What's worse than three sick kids?
A: Three sick kids and a husband who is out of town.

Q: What's worse than being a single mother with three sick kids?
A: Being a single mother with three sick kids who just exposed her friend’s kids to some random virus.

That's right, all three kids are sick with temperatures ranging from 102.6 to 100.0. My friend Trisha came over tonight with her two boys since Travis is out of town. The kids made their own dinner (Power Up Pasta from the Disney cookbook) while Trisha and I had fish and wine (just like Jesus!). Towards the end of the evening Ben was being a little clingy, both Trisha and I felt him and thought he was a little warm. After everyone left I took Ben's temperature 102.6. While I was putting on Lauren's jammies I took her temp for good measure 100.0. I figured I ought to take Jack's temp in hopes that we weren't looking at a trifecta and got a temp of 101.2. Awesome. Looks like I will be getting up every three hours so the temps don't get too high. Tomorrow will be great. Cancel Pilates. Cancel playgroup. Cancel the gym. Cancel anything I want to do. Boo, hiss.


Mamarazzi said...

OH NO!! boo hiss is right!

Jaina said...

That's no fun, I hope they all get better, and I hope you avoid getting sick as well.

Lisa said...

That STINKS!!! Hopefully it's a 12 hour virus & almost gone...

Crystal D said...

Oh man! That stinks! How are the fevers coming along today? I hope they just burn off what ever the bad thing is and you don't have any other "issues."

suchsimplepleasures said...

oh boo! that sucks donkey dong! big time!
i hope everyone feels better. if i lived closer, i would put on a mask and come babysit!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my----I am so right there with you. Three sick (well, they are almost well now) kids and my hubby is gone for 5 months. And now I am fighting a cold. Wasn't it nice of them to share?! Who says "kids don't know how to share"??