Thursday, December 13, 2007

Who's Stinky?

I am so embarrassed again! Today I had to go to the hospital to have blood drawn for a JC virus test in preparation of my first Tysabri infusion. Jack was at school so I only had Ben and Lauren with me, thank goodness. We waited and waited, then waited some more until the lady who admitted me noticed that I was still waiting an hour later and admitted they must have forgotten about me. We finally got in to have my blood test with a cranky nurse who was training a friendly young nurse. I just kept thinking that it is only a matter of time before this cut-rate hospital makes the friendly trainee a bitter burn out too. When I got done I bent over to help Ben and Lauren get their jackets on.

Me: (addressing Ben and Lauren) Who's stinky?
Cranky nurse: Oh, that's me, sorry.
Me: Oh, that's okay, I am just glad I don't have to change your diaper.

Oh my God, did I just say that? I thought Ben or Lauren had pooped in their diaper; I wasn't trying to call the nurse out. Then, what made me comment about her diaper? Open mouth, insert foot!


Crystal D said...

That sounds like something I would say. ugh.

Mamarazzi said...

OMG i would have died!! that is hillarious!!

Rachel said...

Bwaaahaaahhaaa haa haa!
LOl! I probably would have said the same thing.
Wow, I can't believe she admitted it.
Wonder if she was just having a really hard day?
Hmmm... great story!

suchsimplepleasures said...

That is sooooo funny! knowing me, i would have said that, too! you must have been hysterically laughing...tell me you were's so funny!

Lauren said...


Oh My God, Kelli... I laughed so hard, I almost p.i.m.p's!

Lauren :D

Unknown said...

O that is too funny!

At least incidents like these make for great blog fodder.

Anonymous said...

It must have been her attitude that you smelled. With a better attitude on her part you probably would have said something else.