Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oh No, He Didn't!

I am not sure if I need to have Jack's ears checked again or if he just doesn't speak Ebonics. While we were at the mall the other day a sweet African American woman said something about how the kids were very cute. I will admit, she had quite a southern drawl and was very difficult to understand. I smiled and said thank you assuming that was it when Jack yelled "MOM, WHAT DID THAT BLACK LADY SAY?” I just ignored the question hoping it would go away when he yelled even louder "MOM, I ASKED YOU, WHAT DID THAT BLACK LADY SAY, SHE TALKS LIKE A BABY!". Kill me now.


Lisa said...

Yeah, I bet you wanted to crawl under a log! Funny though!

Rachel said...

Oh lord. Poor you :-)
Princess asked me if she could go play with the brown girls next door. *thud* She couldn't remember granny's next door neighbor's kid's names. Their dad was right there! He just laughed. Thank goodness, kids...
I feel your pain my deah!

Anonymous said...

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Mamarazzi said...

Bwaaaaaaaaa friends child pointed out a lady with a little too much self tanner saying VERY loudly, "HER ORANGE MOMMY, LOOK HER ORANGE?"

awww from the mouths of babes!