Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Annoying Neighbor No More

So I have mentioned my annoying neighbor many times before. If you have been reading my blog for a while you read this post about Halloween. Well, I haven't heard from the annoying neighbors since the incident. The daughter used to come over after school 3 or 4 times a week to play with the kids and I haven't seen her for 6 weeks. At first I was enjoying a well-deserved break, then I started to think it was strange. So, I checked with our cool neighbors.

Me: So, have you seen Ms. T and Amy?
Cool Neighbor: Yeah, I was over there for game night last night.
Me: Oh, I haven't seen them since Halloween. I hope I didn't hurt their feelings when I didn't take Amy trick or treating.
Cool Neighbor: Well, I think they just assumed that Amy would go with you guys, so they got upset.

Now what do I do? I am sorry that I hurt their feelings, but I am not sorry with the way I handled Halloween. I had a house full of people and other plans with our friends. And, you know what happens when you assume, right? Makes an ASS out of U and ME. I don't really miss their friendship, they kind of annoy me, but at the same time I hate to hurt someone's feelings. What do you think? How should I handle this?


Anonymous said...

If it were me, I would just leave things as they are. I wouldn't bring it up with the neighbor and I definitely would not apologize. I don't think you were under any obligation to take her daughter trick-or-treating with you and I think it is time for this poor girl to work a little harder to make friends her own age. She is in middle school, for goodness sake!

Mom said...

I agree with Nicole. Ms. T needs to grow up also.

Lisa said...

I wouldn't worry about offending them.....they should learn to parent their own kiddo. You could still send a Christmas card or a plate of Christmas goodies their way as a peace offering/holiday niceness deal if you wanted?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Run . . . Hide. Well that isn't an option. I'd ignore them and maybe they won't come back.