Friday, November 9, 2007

Operation Crying Crackdown

Ben and Lauren are in the throws of the terrible twos! They cry all the time. If they get hurt, they cry. If they don't get their way, they cry. If they don't like their dinner, they cry. If you don't pick them up, they cry. If they don't like their outfit, they cry. If you change their diaper, they cry. If you don't change their diaper, they cry. If the wind blows, they cry. If their nose runs, they cry. You get the picture. We are done with the crying! I am so tired of the crying I am going to cry! It seems like Ben is always crying in his dinner by the time Travis gets home from work. Obviously that is not the greeting Travis is looking for! I think I was much more vigilant with Jack, but I am just so tired that I let it go too often. If Dr Phil asked me "How's that working for you?” I am afraid would have to say "It's not!". So, I am prepared to rock their world! No more crying. They speak well enough to use their words rather than cry. Today is the first day of operation crying crackdown. If they cry, they will be given one warning to stop and use their words, if they continue to cry they are going to the stairs until they can calm down. Ben and Lauren have spent a good portion of their morning on the stairs, good thing we have two staircases!


Mom said...

I wish Grammy were there to hold them!

Anonymous said...

Wow...good luck with that. Time to be Super-Mom, eh?

Crystal D said...

Oh I have so many things in this house that are not working. It is always to easy to forget all the things that are working because the things that aren't working are so loud. Don't forget to pat yourself on the back at the end of the day today for trying to make it better.

SWC said...

Oh gosh, good luck! I hope it works out. BTW, I tagged you for 7 Random Facts. Have fun!

Lisa said...

Maybe all of our crying kids should get together in one room while we sit in another and drink wine :)
Good luck with they crying crack down!!!