Thursday, November 29, 2007

How Can You Deny That Face?

Jack: Mom, I need help writing my Christmas list for Santa.
Me: Okay, I have some paper and a pen right here
Jack: Will you write it for me?
Me: Sure, what should I write?
Jack: Monster truck Power Wheels
Me: Okay, what else?
Jack: Wait a minute; I need you to tell Santa how many I want
Me: What?
Jack: I want two Power Wheels, one for me and one for the babies to share.
Me: Okay, I will put 2, and what else do you want.
Jack: Two toy talking snowmans
Me: What?
Jack: Don't worry they aren't real!
Me: Why do you want two?
Jack: Because I like them.
Me: Okay, what else?
Jack: Maybe Santa would like it better if I wrote it myself?
Me: I bet you are right!
Jack: How do you spell Power Wheels?
Me: P-O-W-E-R W-H-E-E-L-S
Jack: Oh shoot, I ran out of room, Santa will never know what I wrote, can I start over?
Me: Yep, here is a new piece of paper
Jack: How do you spell Power Wheels?
Me: P-O-W-E-R W-H-E-E-L-S
Jack: I am going to skip the snowmans since it is too much to write, how do you spell remote control car?
Me: R-E-M-O-T-E C-O-N-T-R-O-L C-A-R
Jack: Maybe you should make your Christmas list too?
Me: Good idea, what should I ask for?
Jack: How about one more Jack since you like me so much?
Me: (writing it down) Good idea!
Jack: But you better ask for a robot Jack because elves can't make another Jack, only God.

Is he the cutest kid or what? How can I not buy that damn Power Wheels after that? He worked so hard to write the list himself, he even thought of his brother and sister, then to throw the knock out punch added how much I love him and God into the conversation.


Lisa said...

That's pretty good. Maybe buy him three for being so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the kid sure knows how to work it! Brought a tear to my eye with how he knows that he was made by God. Too sweet.

Cecily said...

Kelli, I love love love love love reading your conversations with Jack. The idea of a robot Jack because elves can't make another one is just the best ever.

Mamarazzi said...


i am having so much fun catching up on your blog! you have been busy, good for you!