Friday, February 15, 2008

The Destruction Duo Strikes AGAIN!

Clean up, clean up,
Everybody everywhere
Clean up, clean up,
Everybody do their share

Clean up, clean up
I can't find them anywhere
Clean up, clean up
I guess I have to do their share

Clean up, clean up
This is easier anyway
Clean up, clean up
They just get in the way

Clean up, clean up
I wonder how long this will last
Clean up, clean up
I bet they will mess it up fast

Clean up, clean up
The cleaning is finally done
Clean up, clean up
Kids are here to have some fun

These pictures don't fully describe the mess I found this morning. Ben and Lauren pulled all of the clothes out of their drawers (you will see them strewn between the beds), cleared all the books off the shelves, threw all the hangers they could reach on the floor of the closet and emptied all the toy bins. I couldn't even walk in their room! We are having friends over for dinner tonight, I would have left a little mess knowing that it will just get messier tonight, but there wasn't even any room left to play. I feel like Henny Penny when it comes to cleaning the kids rooms, they disappear until it is cleaned up, then they come back to enjoy the clean space.


suchsimplepleasures said...

then you can totally relate to my post! we both have huge messes!!! my tidal wave of a four year old...he dumped out every stinking bin of toys...pulled all his clothes out of his drawers (although, that was today!) and pulled the cushions off the couch...and that was just one room. the basement, his bedroom...those are completely different stories!! i'm moving out!!! no forwarding to join me?

Lisa said...

I love your song!!! What a creative one you are, Kelli!

Mamarazzi said...

oh my!! i am seriously overstimulated! i want to jump through my monitor and clean that up!

Alison said...

Holi moli...that is a mess...actually that looks eerily familiar to my daughter's room, she is almost 13 years just think..they are preparing you for their teenage years!! See...they are doing you a favor!!!

Jules said...

Okay, this is really interesting. How did my house end up on your blog? Just kidding! But it really does look like my kids visited your house.

And I totally love your song.