Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tastes Like Chicken!

Last night as I was putting the chicken, I had just spent an hour preparing, into the oven Travis called to let me know that he had to go to dinner with some higher ups (affectionately called "The Frenchies") who were in from France. I called a couple friends to see if they would like to enjoy the chicken with the kids and I, but one had sick kids and the other had already eaten.

Jack: This is the best chicken I have ever tasted!
Me: Thanks!
Jack: Too bad daddy wasn't here.
Me: Yep, you will have to tell him what he missed out on.
Jack: How did you make this chicken?
Me: I put lots of spices on it and put it in the oven.
Jack: No, I mean what did you make it out of?
Me: A chicken and spices.
Jack: No, what kind of animal did you use?
Me: A chicken
Jack: You mean with feathers and a beak? Bok, Bok, Bok?
Me: Well by the time I bought it at the store it didn't have feathers or a beak, but yes.
Jack: Yuck!


Mamarazzi said...

that is priceless.

Jordan started asking us about meat and what animals they came from not that long ago...i was thinking she would go vegetarian she was so grossed out.

we realized there was zero chance of that happening when we were having dinner out one stime and she said, "Oh i loooove dead cow" as she cut into her steak.


Anonymous said...

I just had this same conversation with my four year old. Except he still doesn't believe me that "chicken" is actually, well, chicken.

Alison said...

too cute!! I remember having a very similar conversation with my son when he was younger!

Anonymous said...

I would like that chicken recipe, please. I'm getting so sick of all the stuff that is in my current rotation!