Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Game Over

On the other side of the wall on the right side of the staircase is our game room. Our old loveseat sits against the half wall. The kids watch cartoons, jump in the ball pit and play with their train table in the game room. The furniture was in great shape before we put it up there. The kids climb on it, jump off it, pull the cushions off and make forts out of it. I would say the only thing they don't do is sit nicely on it. The furniture has attached cushions that are pulling away from the frame leaving stuffing exposed. Today as I was scurrying around the house preparing for the cleaning ladies Ben and Lauren were hanging out upstairs. I started up the back stairs to put a load of laundry away and this is what I found...
Me: What are you babies doing?
Ben: Nothing.
Lauren: (running from the game room) Playing in my room!
Me: Why are you pulling my couch apart?
Lauren: Benny did it.
Ben: No, Lolo did it.
Me: I know you both did it. Lauren why did you do that?
Lauren: We were playing snowing.

So they were pulling the stuffing out of my couch, dropping it over the half wall onto the stairs to make 'snow'. No, I don't think I like this game, not one little bit!


Mamarazzi said...

oh my! game over indeed!

when i was 3 my mom sent me to a freinds house for the day and while his mom was watching a show on potty training we got into the kitchen flour...snow YAY!! i have a pic around here somewhere i should dig it out and post it...its fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Do you remember the story about Aunt Pat and the hole in her blouse. Your grandpa's sisters ripped it off her cuz it had a hole in a seam. They were nasty girls. Oh, this was when they were about 20, so it's been quite awhile ago.

Anonymous said...

Mom, is that you being anonymous?

I've never heard this story about Aunt Pat...

Anonymous said...

BTW, Kel, YIKES about the couch stuffing. That is wild.