Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

I just saw a study on Good Morning America that said the average 4 year old lies once every two hours and the average 6 year old lies every hour and a half. So, Jack will be five in a month, so that means he should only be lying every hour and 45 minutes. I guess if I stopped asking him questions he would only be lying every 2 hours or so. But, he and I have conversations like this at least every 20 minutes:

Me: Jack, did you hit your sister?
Jack: Nope.

Me: What are you doing?
Jack: Nothing.

Me: What happened?
Jack: I don't know.

Me: Do you have your socks on?
Jack: Yep.
Me: Okay, let's go!
Jack: I don't have my socks on yet.

Me: Why is Benny crying?
Jack: Lauren must have hit him.

Me: Are you done with your breakfast?
Jack: Yes.
Me: Whose waffle is this?
Jack: Mine.

And these are just the lies I heard this morning before school. Just when I was starting to think that I have failed as a mother again because my kid is a liar the study mentions that lying is part of a child's development. So, I guess my kid is advanced, right?


suchsimplepleasures said...

completely advanced!!!

Mom said...

I so remember the morning routine. Me: Kelli did you brush your teeth? You: Yep! Me: Let me smell your breath Me: Where are you going? You: Up to brush my teeth! Jack is perfectly normal.

Mamarazzi said...

ok my daughter is 12 and she has started lying to us (so i guess that makes her a late bloomer). like she doesn't even think about it, we ask a question her automatic response is a lie. we got sick of it FAST. she is a horrible liar. most of the time she would finish her lie and immediatly say, "ok that wasn't the truth" and go on to tell the truth instead. it was totally bizarre and we could not figure out where this behavior was coming from but we wanted to nip it in the bud. and FAST!

so Paul and i had a casual conversation infront of her. he said, "so i saw this box on line today. you put your hand in it and are asked a question and if you lie you get an electric shock." i respond, "wow that sounds like something we might need to order if Jordan keeps lying to us." and Paul said, "oh yea i already ordered it, it should be here tomorrow" i say, "SWEET". and we change the subject as Jordan leaves the room.

about 10 minutes later Jordan comes in and says, "umm you guys i have been thinking about it and i am going to try really hard to make better choices and not lie anymore. i am going to stop and think about my answer before i say anything." Paul says, "great idea, i am looking forward to that." and i say, "i am proud of you."

she starts to walk out of the room but stops and turns around to add, "we won't be needing any shocky boxes, OK?" and Paul says, "Ok we won't open it unless we need it."

there is a box that came in the mail a few days later filled with some stuff Paul ordered on Ebay...he took the contents out, put a big rock in it, taped it shut and left it on a shelf in the laundry room. Jordan asked what it was, Paul responded, "i am hoping we are not going to have to open it to find out" Jordan said, "yea me too"

so far so good.

so i know this is not helpful now...but give it a few years when the kid breaks out the whoppers!!

you. are. welcome.

sorry to leave a blog on your blog...it ended up longer than i thought it would.

Alison said...

and it only gets better!!

Mamarazzi said...

hey chickie!!

i left a little bloggy love for you over on my blog. You. Are. Welcome.

SHW said...

Your's and mine....total geniuses!