Thursday, February 21, 2008


I missed a few days of posting because honestly I haven't been able to think. I saw Dr. Oz on Oprah the other day issuing a challenge to give up soda (pop for all of my Yankee readers) for two weeks. He claims that giving up soda will make your stomach flatter in two weeks because you don't have the carbonation bloating you. This is yet another thing that makes some sense to me. I am very competitive; I can't pass up a challenge. It's official I am on the wagon. I haven't had a soda for 39 hours. I had the worst headache yesterday I could hardly see, this morning I woke up feeling like I had a horrible hangover, but I only had one glass of wine with dinner. I went to the gym this morning and knock on wood I don't have a headache. Maybe I am through the worst of it. I will be reporting on my flat stomach in two weeks!


Lisa said...

I don't know if I have it in me to give up pop. I crave the carbination....not kidding.

But I am going to Florida in three weeks - yikes.....maybe one more week of pop???

Mamarazzi said...

oh no...i could not do it. Jordan is getting braces and she has to kick soda (she is 12 so her addiction is really nothing big, she only orders it if we eat out so...) Paul being the good daddy that he is said he would kick it too, so she didn't have to go it alone...

yep he is parent of the year...i made no such support. i just said, "ummm and i will make sure you always have cute hair and clothes"

yea i am pathetic like that. momma neeeeeds her diet pepsi, YO!

suchsimplepleasures said...

you're a better woman...i tried! i really tried!! but...i broke down, after 2 days, and drank coke zero!! oh the horrors!
good luck, honey!!

SWC said...

I so need to do this. I didn't have any pop the whole time I was pregnant and now I seem to be making up for lost time. And I barely ever drank it before. It is so true. Good luck with the challenge. I may have to join you.