Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pick Me!

Me: Jack, we need to clip your nails before school.
Jack: Why?
Me: Because they are long and dirty.
Jack: I like them long.
Me: Why?
Jack: It is better to pick my nose.
Me: Gross!

I am so going to remind him of this conversation when he is a teenager. What a disgusting little freak!


Unknown said...

Well. At least he's honest! :-) Thanks for the laugh.

Jaina said...

Ewww. I think this should go in the "embarrassing things to tell his first girlfriend" file.

Lisa said...

Jack makes me laugh yet again.

Last Comic Standing is on NBC again this summer. Jack should audition!

Mamarazzi said...

i heart Jack.

Anonymous said...

laughed out loud.....so funny! Your kids are a riot!