Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ex-Smoker Vs. Potty Trained

Have you ever noticed how former smokers seem to be more annoyed with second hand smoke than anyone else? My conclusion; cigarettes are to former smokers as diapers are to potty-trained children. Lauren is so acutely aware of Ben's bodily functions it is scary. The second Ben pees I hear "Benny peed!" or "Mommy you need to change Benny". The worst is when he poops; you would think he has toxic waste in his diaper. Lauren won't even go near him. She ridicules him. "Benny is a baby!” "Only baby's make stinky in their pants!", "You stink!" or the meanest insult of all "You can't play with us!" Is it wrong that I let a little of this go on in hopes that the peer pressure will help Ben get motivated to be diaper-free too?


Mamarazzi said...

nah it's better he hears it from his sister before the other kids get wind of it. peer pressure might be just what it me he won't go to college in diapers...i know you don't belive me right now, but i DO think i am right about this.

Jaina said...

Interesting comparison, and I think your right. Maybe a little peer pressure will do him good...just don't let his sister be too mean to him. ;)