Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wanna Hear A Dirty Story?

My grandpa always used to ask "Wanna hear a dirty story?" If you answered yes he would exclaim, "The little boy fell in the mud!" and laugh and laugh. I couldn't help but remember grandpa's joke this afternoon.

I was out running errands before preschool pick up today. In a matter of 20 minutes the winds picked up and the temperature dropped from 80 to 62 degrees. It poured rain and I was able to get home just in time for the hail to start. It rained hard for almost an hour. I was feeling lucky that the rain had stopped as I walked into school to pick up Jack. As Jack and I headed to the car he ran ahead, I yelled, "don't go in the street without me!” It was like watching him in slow motion as he tried to stop in the muddy grass. His foot went in the air like a cartoon character slipping on a banana peel. He fell on his ass in the mud. He started to whimper as he got on his hands and knees to stand up again. He slipped again and fell flat on his stomach in his white shirt. He started to cry until he looked up at me and saw me laughing. It was better than watching an episode of the Three Stooges. Jack started to laugh too, which made it harder for him to stand up. The wind was blowing, Jack was laughing as he made his second attempt to stand up. He fell down again. When we got to the car I made Jack hide between the cars so I could strip his muddy clothes off before he got in my car.


Alison said...

cute story!! I am glad you showed him how to see the humor in the moment!!

Anonymous said...

Okay. So it is Michigan in February. All I really got outta that post was "80 degrees". I think I hate you.

Mamarazzi said...

i can totally SEE this as i am reading your words....hilarious!