Saturday, May 17, 2008

New Look!

Do not adjust your monitor. It's still me. Same great blog with a new look. I am too cheap to pay someone for one of those super cool templates everyone else has, so I am just settling for another generic template with a new color. As my mom used to say when I NEEDED the latest pair of Guess? jeans in the 80s, this is not a fashion show.


Lisa said...

I paid $2.95 for my fancy new header, Kelli. It was off of a link on Anne's site. I may even spring for one for you if you're interested....
That being said, I do like the new colors!

Mamarazzi said...

PINK!!! i looooove looks GREAT on you!!

Crystal D said...

Pretty in Pink! (in honor of the 80s)
Very Springy!

Jaina said...

Cute!!! Nice and bright for summer! I haven't had time to sit and tweak the code for the generics, but once I do and figure it out, I'd be more than happy to tweak one up for you too if you like. :)

SHW said...

Crystal stole my comment! ;-)
I love the colors! Some people pay for layouts? I need some of that action!