Saturday, May 10, 2008

Baseball Bitch

Last night was a perfect night for a baseball game. 85 degrees. Sunny. No wind. The only problem is I had two 2-year-olds with me who would rather play in the dirt than watch a baseball game. I thought I was being smart and grabbed one of the leashes, not to use, just to threaten with. I told the kids that if they didn't stay by me they would have to wear the leash, a fate worse than death. Ben tested me and tested me, so I finally had to keep my word. I hooked the leash to his back belt loop. He cried and cried then cried some more.

Me: Benny, this is going to be a long baseball game for all of us if you don't stop crying.

Baseball Bitch: Yes, it is.

First of all baseball bitch, was I talking to you? If you felt the need to chime in as a fellow mother I would have expected something like, "oh, I have been there" or "he isn't bothering me". After all, the reason I am sitting here BY MYSELF with two 2-year-olds is because my husband has VOLUNTEERED to coach your worthless kid!


Anonymous said...

effff herrr.

Have hubby stick her son in the outfield!

Mamarazzi said...

oooooh HELL to the NO!! i hate people like that!

Jaina said...

How dare she talk to you like that! She can just go elsewhere, seriously not cool. I hate people like that.