Saturday, May 31, 2008

AT&T Sucks!

My Modem/Router died Monday night. I have had not access to email or the internet since. I really didn't know how much I relied on my computer. I need my email for conducting our real estate business, setting up playdates, contacting the baseball league and staying in touch with my friends. You don't know how many times I started thinking about something and thought I should look that up online just to realize I couldn't. I just don't know how the mother's before us did it! I was telling my mother of my plight and she mentioned that they didn't even have answering machines or cell phones. Man, they must have spent a lot of time at home just trying to catch each other on the phone. Jack was even down and out because he couldn't play Webkinz or Cartoon Network! I won't go into the long drawn out story about how terrible AT&T's service is; it will just put me in a bad mood again and why ruin a perfectly good Saturday? I will do my best to recreate the week...


Mamarazzi said...

oh no...i can't live with out internet...i seriously start to freak out a i am totally understanding and sympathizing with you!! poor you!

sorry i am slow with my commenting, i took a few days off and i am trying to catch up now! my google reader is in the triple digits! wowzer...i have a lot to READ!

Jaina said...

Finally catching up here...I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm definitely addicted to being online and connected (though not as badly as I once was) and I don't know how you survived the week. Props to you.