Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Yin And Yang

Thank goodness that the good balances out the evil in this world! I dropped Jack off at vacation bible school this morning then headed off to my errands with Ben and Lauren in tow. Our first stop was Joann’s fabrics for a cat costume pattern for Jack's Halloween costume. As I quickly flipped through the pattern books Ben and Lauren bickered back and forth. They were fussing and I was trying my best to calm them, hurry and ignore them all at the same time. The old lady at the fabric-cutting desk actually left her post to come around the corner to check out the commotion. She gave me the evil eye and I sheepishly admitted that they were fighting and apologized for disturbing her, this is when all hell broke loose.

Me: Sorry, two 2-year-olds are not good shopping partners
Rude Old Hag: (loudly huffed and turned around)
Me: (that tore it!) Excuse me! Excuse me! Do you have twins?
Rude Old Hag: (turning back around) No
Me: Then don't judge me until you have walked a day in my shoes!

I will admit I lost it, but what a bitch! There was another mother standing nearby to witness the entire exchange. The other mother couldn't believe how rude she was either. It was nice to have someone confirm that I wasn't crazy! I found my pattern and left as quickly as possible, and then it was off to the next errand. I needed some cheap jewelry for a specific outfit so I ran over to Sam Moon. I easily found exactly what I needed and rushed to the checkout in order to avoid another scene. Lauren started to fuss while we waited in line so as soon as the friendly oriental clerk handed me my bag I handed it off to Lauren to quiet her down. It worked for Lauren, but it upset Ben, he wanted a bag as well. The nice little clerk saw this all going down and she quickly handed me another bag for Ben. It was just what I needed after the incident at Joann’s!

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