Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Two-Year Stats

Weight 25lbs 15.5oz - 23%
Height 33.5in - 24%
Head 19.5in - 72%

Weight 23lbs 8.5oz - 11%
Height 33.5in - 39%
Head 19in - 70%

Today Ben and Lauren had their 2-year check-ups. They are doing great, the doctor expected them to be caught up developmentally by now and they are actually doing better than average! Both of them are a little small, but as their pediatrician tells me, "kids come in different sizes, these are just small ones". Based on their sizes, I am glad that we didn't put them in preschool this year. I think next year will be better for everyone! Travis giggles with pride every time I tell him that the kids have big heads. Just because Travis has a big head doesn't mean that I can't hope they grow into them a little more! Benny's skin looked terrible when we went in so the doctor has referred us to a pediatric dermatologist. The bad news is that the closest one is about an hour away, but the good news is that we live in a big enough area that there is one that close! Lauren failed her vision test. The doctor assured me that it was probably a false positive because they were having trouble getting her to hold still, but I can't help but wonder if that is why she asks me where Jack is even when he is sitting right next to her!

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