Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It Doesn't Get Easier

Today I ran into a woman who had newborn twins and a 2 1/2 year old with her. It took me back which forced me to be one of those annoying people who stopped the lady with the twins. I told her that she looks like I did two years ago. Fairly mild compared to some of the comments that I received when Ben and Lauren were small. One of the best ones was a lady at Walmart.
Dumb Lady (DL): Are they twins?
Me: Yes
DL: Are they boys or girls?
Me: (walking away) One of each
DL: (chasing me out of the store) Are they identical?
Me: No
DL: Are you sure? They look identical to me.
Me: Yep, pretty sure.

When people ask me that stupid question I really want to have the guts to say, "this one has a penis and this one has a vagina!” For some reason I am always so flabbergasted by people's ignorance that I just walk away rather than give them an anatomy lesson. Why are Walmart shoppers so dumb?

The woman I saw today asked me if it gets easier. I couldn't lie to her; it doesn't get easier; it just gets different. I get more sleep than she does, so my outlook is probably better, but it would be unfair to say that twins that run, talk back, make messes, disobey and fight are not any easier!

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