Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Shark! Clear The Water...Wait, That's Not A Shark!

Yesterday my mom, sister and I took the kids to the pool. Jack was a swimming machine he was actually floating on his stomach with his face in the water moving his arms and legs making forward motion. Yes, it was in the baby pool, but he wasn't touching the bottom. I can't wait to have him try it in the big pool! It was at the pool when I noticed that Lauren's urine was cloudy. For those of you who haven't learned the painful lesson of swim diapers I will lay it on the line; they don't hold in pee! I learned this the hard way when I was driving Jack to the pool in his swim diaper. Anyway, as Lauren was standing in a couple of inches of water she peed and I was able to see the cloud in the pool. I quickly swished the water around in hopes that nobody else would notice. I assumed she had another bladder infection and planned to call the doctor when we got home from the pool. Lauren and Ben had a great day in the water too; they both had wet hair and were in at least waist deep. As Lauren was sitting between my mother and I she had a little diarrhea incident. As I mentioned before swim diapers don't hold in liquid. Before I knew it we were sitting in a sewer full of Lauren's shit. I discretely told my mom we needed to go, I picked up Lauren to change her diaper and instructed my mom to get the other kids and their toys. As I was changing Lauren's diaper I noticed the lifeguards clearing the pool. As we walked out I apologized to all of the other mothers, who were very understanding, and the lifeguards, who were not amused! This all went down at noon; my friend who went to the pool at 5pm said the baby pool was still closed! After my mom and sister left I took Lauren to the doctor. They had to catheterize her to get a urine sample, which came back negative. I am having trouble believing the results. Last time the doctor's office missed it but the lab caught it. All of the signs are there; she cries when she pees, her urine smells awful and it is cloudy. The sample was sent to the lab again, so until we get the results we will just give Lauren Motrin for the pain. Poor girl!

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