Friday, August 10, 2007

Get Your Own Cheese

Jack has been having his fair share of pooping problems lately. While we were in San Antonio I actually had to use Travis' toothbrush to help Jack with his constipation. I know that is too much information and I am sure Travis would like me to throw in that he left his toothbrush at the hotel! So, this morning after Jack had spent several minutes in the bathroom I stepped over Lauren who was lying on the floor crying at the door and tried to open the door a crack to check on him. The door was locked, I don't blame him, the babies are constantly walking in on him.

Me: Jack, what are you doing in there?
Jack: pooping
Me: okay, don't forget to wash your hands

Several more minutes pass and he is still in the bathroom and Lauren is sticking her hands under the door crying for her brother's attention.

Me: Jack, are you okay?
Jack: Yes
Me: Are you still pooping?
Jack: No
Me: Then what are you still doing in the bathroom?
Jack: Eating my cheese.
Me: What?
Jack: Lauren was trying to take my string cheese away so I am eating it in here for privacy.
Me: Yuck!
Jack: It's not yucky; I like cheese!

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