Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Naughty Sister

Jack: Mom, do we have a new, unwrapped toy that I can take to school?
Me: What do you need that for?
Jack: They are for our sister school.
Me: Yes, I have something you can take. Do you know why we do that?
Jack: No.
Me: This gift will go to a little girl in a family that doesn't have much money. This will probably be the only Christmas present she will get this year. They probably won't have a fancy Christmas dinner and they probably don't have a nice house to live in or nice cars to drive.
Jack: Why doesn't Santa bring toys to poor kids? Was she naughty?

Busted! How do you answer that one? I have a girlfriend that has told her kids the truth about Santa because she doesn't feel right 'lying' to her kids. I was feeling like she was a little nuts until that question. Oh, what a tangled web weave. When first we practice to deceive.

Me: Doesn't it feel good to give rather than receive?
Jack: Yeah, but I like to receive too!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you that I love your blog. I don't know how I found it so I saved it to my page yesterday so I could be updated! I'm laughing out loud right now! Thanks! -Julie

Jaina said...

Dang, he's a smart one.