Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Come On Man, It's The Holidays

Have you seen the commercial with the gingerbread people for AT&T. As much as I HATE AT&T (which is several other stories), I love this commercial. It is funny EVERY time I see it! My kids have picked up on my uncontrollable chuckling every time the gingerbread man says "Oh come on man, it's the holidays"

Which brings me to today. I had to take all three kids to the courthouse several towns over to pay a speeding ticket and sign my probation papers. The customer service desk is right outside the courtroom so the kids got to experience all sorts of things. A mother and her teenage son stepped up to the window next to us to plead the kid's case. The mother was giving all sorts of excuses about the kid being in rehab, etc. Mom was pulling out all of the stops; I didn't realize how closely the kids were listening until she said, "well, it's the holidays blah, blah, blah". Then Ben loudly shouts out a "Come on man, it's the holidays!”

I don't know if the lady and teenager heard him, but I can guarantee you the man on the other side of us that was about to wet his pants heard. That kid is funny!

1 comment:

Jaina said...

Too funny. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and that you have a great New Year!