I have meticulously decorated all three Christmas trees and placed the coordinating gifts beneath them.
I am now in a better frame of mind, so I can tell you the sad, sad story.
I asked Travis early the morning of Thanksgiving Day to go buy me a newspaper. He didn't leave right away as I had hoped; as a matter of fact he didn't go until about 11. By 11, Walmart was sold out of papers. He called me from the store to ask me how important a paper was to me. I explained how much money was potentially on the line so he headed for the gas station. There weren't any papers there either! He resorted to "stealing" one of our neighbors that we knew were out of town for Thanksgiving. By the time he got home with the paper I didn't have anytime to go through the ads before we left for my aunt and uncle's house.
We didn't get home from Thanksgiving dinner until 9 or 10. Yes, I was full and tired, but I still went through the ads page by page. I even went through the stores that I don't normally go to. Nothing. There wasn't anything that was worth getting up at the crack of dawn for. There were a few good buys at Walmart, but there wasn't anything I couldn't live without. I decided that I wouldn't set an alarm; I would just go to Walmart when I got up and if they didn't have the things I wanted it wasn't meant to be.
Come to find out, there was no need to set an alarm as my cell phone rang at 5:30am. You see I have to have a very loud ring so I can hear my phone when I am out and about with 3 screaming kids. It was my mother and sister who assumed that I had already been out shopping for two hours like they were. I didn't get up to answer but I was awake. I laid in bed for 10 or 15 minutes then decided I should get up and check Walmart out. I drove to Walmart as I talked to my mom and sister on the phone. I found everything I wanted at Walmart. I had to settle for the blue $9 vacuum rather than the pink that I really wanted. But, all in all a successful trip. My mom and sister quilted me into making the trek to Sears for a watch for my dad. It was a Timex watch for $19.95, marked down from $40. It was a deal I couldn't refuse. I drove across town in a downpour. I had to park 3 miles away and run inside. I don't know why I ran; I really don't know how I would have gotten any more wet. I went immediately to the watch counter. The Timex watches were locked in a glass case. Are you kidding me, locked? There was only one clerk working the counter. I waited patiently while an Indian (dot not tomahawk) blew their wad on $1200 in Sears jewelry. They discussed the extended warranty on every cheap piece of jewelry they were purchasing. Then to top it off they wanted everything individually gift-wrapped. Why did the only clerk at the watch counter have to wrap it all? Finally it was my turn. I had staked out the watch and was ready to go.
Me: I need the $20 Timex.
The clerk went on a search of her case.
Me: It is right here.
Clerk: Oh, thanks. That will be $30.
Me: No that is on sale for $19.95.
I quickly flipped through my ad and pointed to the sale.
Clerk: This watch has gray buttons and the one in the ad has orange buttons.
Me: They are the same watch, they are both Ironman watches and they are both regularly $40.
Clerk: Oh, but they have different numbers. This one is one digit off.
Me: I understand that the numbers are different because the buttons are different colored, but they are the same watch.
Clerk: I am sorry; we sold that one a little while ago.
Me: That one? You only had one?
Clerk: Yes.
Me: I feel like I have waited very patiently while you helped other customers and I think you should give me this watch for the sale price.
Clerk: Let me call my manager...
Clerk: I can give you 10% off, but I can't give you the sale price.
Me: Fine.
I was hacked! But, I bought the watch anyway. My dad needed a birthday gift. I was at Sears. I just needed to get the job done. But it really makes me mad! How dare you advertise a watch that you only have one of in order to get me into your store to spend more? I learned about this trick in marketing class...that is bait and switch!!
I cannot believe that you were not awake yet when we called! What a Black Friday Slug!
Your trees look absolutely beautiful! I'm sorry to hear the Black Friday didn't go well for you. We went out to Costco but they don't really do Black Friday...it was pretty mellow. I've never actually been shopping on Black Friday before that.
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