Friday, July 11, 2008

We're Going To The Zoo! How About You?

Me: Which animals do you want to see while we are at the zoo today?
Lauren: Monkeys!
Jack: Flamingos!
Ben: Dinosaurs!

Do you think that I can pass the elephants or rhinoceros off as dinosaurs? Or am I going to have to disappoint the poor kid and tell him that dinosaurs are extinct?


Jaina said...

You could tell him the dinosaurs live at the natural history museum, and maybe you can go and visit them a different day. Have a great time at the zoo!

Mamarazzi said...

oh i love the Zoo! you could TRY and pass off some animal as a dinosaur, but your kids are like super smart and you might get caught, maybe not worth the risk?


Anonymous said...

I hope the rhinoceros passed as dinos! :)