Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bucket List

The much awaited 'bucket list' photos, plus some cute bonus photos.

1. Get buried in the sand.

2. Bury Grammy in the sand.

3. Catch a fish.

4. Hunt for toads.

5. Catch fireflies.

6. Go to the park.

7. Go Swimming

8. Eat nachos.
We ate lots of nachos, but I missed this photo opportunity...
9. Throw candy in the 4th of July parade.

10. Ride on daddy's John Deere.

11. Take a boat ride.

12. Watch fireworks from grandpa's boat.

13. Get ice cream.

14. Make a stepping stone.

Bonus Photos:


Jaina said...

What beautiful photos! Looks and sounds like you had an amazing 4th of July and a great visit with the grandparents.

Mamarazzi said...

FAB list that Jack put together! pure awesome!

LOVE LOVE big red puffy heart L O V E the much fun!

Lisa said...

What wonderful pictures from a lovely vacation, Kelli! Those kiddos are so, so cute!!!

PS - It was so great seeing you and Travis!!!