Thursday, July 10, 2008

When I Grow Up...

I am jealous of a woman at the gym. It isn't the woman you would expect it to be. It isn't the girl with the perfect body. It isn't the girl that has more money than sense. It isn't the girl with the hot boyfriend. It is the overweight girl that wears the tiny little Under Armour shorts with a skintight Under Armour tank top. She can't do all of the exercises in the class, when she has to stop she just grooves to the music with a big smile on her face. Why am I jealous of her? She is confident. She likes the way she looks. She is happy with herself. She accepts herself for who she is. I wish I could feel that way. I wish I knew how to raise Lauren to be that confident. I am confident in many ways, but when it comes to my body image it just stinks! How do I become that woman when I grow up?


Jaina said...

Confidence is a great thing. Try affirmations, repeat them to yourself many times a'll be surprised how much they help.

Mom said...

You look terific! I feel guilty that I may have done this to you.

Mamarazzi said...

i am THAT girl. maybe she has the same disorder i have...ya see i am a curvy girl (aka fat) and sometimes i think i might be a dyslexic anorexic...cuz sometimes i look at myself in the mirror and say, "hmm i am not that fat". my clothing says otherwise.

i don't know i am 37. i feel fairly healthy, have a good clean lifestyle and feel really good about who i am.

though i would totally kill for a fuller upper lip...pathetic huh?!