Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lemonade Into Lemons

I took the kids to the dentist this morning. Jack's front two teeth are already loose. The dentist thinks he will lose them in the next 6 months. Wow my baby is growing up!

As a reward for no cavities and being good at the dentist we went out to lunch. Jack loves going to places you can fill your own soda. As soon as the counter girl handed him his cup he was off to the soda fountain. By the time I got there with Ben and Lauren in tow Jack had his medium sized cup almost completely full of lemonade. I said "Jack, its full, stop, stop", but he didn't bother to stop until he felt the lemonade spilling over the top of his cup and onto his hand. He was so alarmed that he jerked the cup back towards himself. Unfortunately his cup got caught on the grate and he dumped the entire cup of lemonade down his front. He was covered from head to toe with the sticky goodness. I was standing directly behind him so I was wet from the knee down. The young (and I am sure childless) professional women were picking up there purses with disgust to save them from the yellow flood. Jack was so sad all through lunch. He was cold, he was wet, he was sticky and his brother and sister were laughing at him.


Crystal D said...

Poor Jack, that is so embarrassing for anyone to do in front of people. Well, at least it wasn't in a cafeteria of his peers, that would be worse right?

Jaina said...

Aww, poor Jack.