Monday, July 21, 2008


3am. I was only in a partial sleep. Travis had been up several times clearing his throat and spitting. He was having trouble with his acid reflux. He said he was going to try to sleep upstairs in a chair. I grunted and took over his side of the bed, ahhhh.

Travis: You need to get up!
Lights flipped on.
Kelli: Okay, why?
Travis: There is a tarantula in the house!

I followed him out of our bedroom to the darkness of our entryway.

Travis: Look at the windowsill above the front door.
Me: That is Lauren's pink plastic spider. Jack threw it up there and I couldn't get it down. Good night.

I went back to bed. Travis didn't follow. I assumed that he went upstairs to go to sleep. When I got up this morning the pink plastic spider was on my kitchen counter. Apparently Travis could get it down and didn't think it could wait until daylight.

1 comment:

Jaina said...

I don't know whether to be more amused that he thought the pink spider was real, or that he had to come wake you up to deal with it.