Sunday, October 5, 2008

Training Wheels

We took another family bike ride yesterday. Since it was Saturday we had lots of time to explore the bike paths in our area. We had a great time. The weather was beautiful and the company was great! Jack is still riding the neighbor's 18" bike (without training wheels) and Travis pulls Ben and Lauren in the Burley Bee. Jack got whacked in the face with a tree branch and the tree pollen powdered his little allergy prone nose.

Jack: My nose is itchy!
Travis: Wipe it off.
Jack: I can't!
Travis: Why not?
Jack: I can't let go of my handlebars!
Travis: Yes you can, leave one hand on the handle and wipe your nose with the other hand, see watch me
Jack: Yeah, but you have training wheels! (referring to the trailer that Ben and Lauren ride in)

1 comment:

Jaina said...

Haha. I was never any good at riding one handed...usually resulted in me tipping over.