Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Competition

I have been noticing a boy in Jack's class for the last few months. His mother never comes to anything at school, with the exception of when his college-aged sister came to the Christmas party; he is always by himself while the other kids have one or both parents with them. The kids were suppose to bring a 100% disposable lunch on the field trip, everyone but his little boy had their lunch. I volunteer in the computer lab once a week and this little boy is frequently corrected by the teacher for talking and not staying on task. I know I am making assumptions but I get the feeling that school isn't very important to his parents. Last Tuesday the kids were doing an assignment on the number 100. The teacher didn't expect all of the kids to finish the assignment, so at the end of the class she asked the kids that completed their assignment to stand up behind their chair. Unfortunately, every child stood up except this little boy. What made matters worse another child shouted out "Everyone but that little boy got the assignment done!” It made me so sad, this poor little boy is just being set up for failure, and he doesn't have a chance. I have treated him like all of the other children in the class; I haven't given him any special attention, though I have thought I should. Yesterday at the Valentine party the kids made Valentines for their moms. Jack made a very cute card then delivered it with a kiss, it was very sweet. Shortly after Jack delivered his card the little boy came over and handed me a nice Valentine. I said, "Oh, that's really nice, is this for your mom?" and he responded, "No, it's for you!” It was very sweet of him, but at the same time I feel terrible that he didn't make a Valentine for his mother. I mentioned it to the teacher and she said that he was the youngest (significantly younger) of four kids and his parents were really busy with the older kids. I feel so sad for him and so sad for his mother that she is missing out on her sweet youngest son because she is overwhelmed. As we were walking out of the party Jack noticed that I had two Valentines in my hand.

Jack: Why do you have two Valentines?
Me: One is from you and one is from the child who will remain nameless.
Jack: Why did he give it to you, you are MY mom?
Me: He was trying to be nice.
Jack: But, you love me more, right?
Me: Absolutely!!!!


Anonymous said...

That IS very Sad...

Anonymous said...

Life is rough especially since this child will by paying for the stimulus package that was just passed.

Lisa said...

don't you wish you could pick him up & take him home? that was how I felt about 95% of the kids when I taught - like they never get a fair shake....