"Wear 100 Things. On Monday February 9th, we will be celebrating the 100th day of school and we want the school to know it. Please help your child select 100 items that he/she can glue, paint, sew, stick or attach to a piece of clothing. You can attach 100 items to a shirt, hat, pants, socks, scarf, or any piece of clothing. Some ideas include: 100 pom-poms, 100 feathers, 100 buttons, 100 stickers, or 100 safety pins. You can use these ideas or you can be as creative as you like. Please allow your child to help by selecting the item and counting out 100 of them. They will wear their creation to school on Monday in honor of the 100th day of school. Thanks in advance for your help because we know the kids will love what they create! Thanks! The Kindergarten Team"
I made the mistake of reading the note to Jack and asking what he wanted to do. He chose 100 buttons on a hat. I went to Michaels and bought a bucket hat and a grab bag of buttons. Jack had a great time picking out the 100 random buttons. 90% of the buttons he chose are the kind with the loop on the back (aka not the flat kind you can hot glue). I started out really gung ho, but after an hour I only had 11 buttons sewn on. I spent the entire day sewing buttons to the bucket hat. My fingers were bloody from self-inflicted needle wounds. I seriously considered using the needle to poke my eyes out. I am saving that hat for when Ben and Lauren are in Kindergarten. One of them is going to wear the hat and the other is going to wear something with 100 hot-glued items!
your kids are lucky to have such a great mama!
How cute is he in is hat made with your "blood, sweat, and tears".....Kindergarden is such a great time!
It turned out really cute though. What a neat way to celebrate the 100th day of school.
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