Monday, September 22, 2008

Sleep Walker

Last night as Travis and I were getting ready for bed Jack came downstairs, he was obviously disoriented. We both asked him what he was doing and what he needed. He didn't answer as he proceeded to the refrigerator. He opened the fridge and did his peepee dance.

Me: Jack, honey, do you need to go to the bathroom?
Jack: Yes.
Me: Okay, then shut the fridge and let's go to the bathroom

It was then that he started crying. The poor little guy was embarrassed for acting silly.

This isn't the first time this has happened. Several months back he fell asleep on the couch. When we woke him up we told him that he needed to go to the bathroom before bed. He got off the couch, opened the pantry, pulled down his pants and nearly sat on the trashcan before Travis stopped him. He talks in his sleep too. I think I need to start listening. If I don't get any good information now, it will definitely be beneficial when he starts dating!


Lisa said...

Laughing out loud.

Praying he can read this someday & laugh too!

Jaina said...

Aww, poor baby. I've sleepwalked. I think the best one was when I came downstairs and had a full conversation with my parent's friend before my mom took me back upstairs. Meanwhile, downstairs the friend was telling my dad what a nice kid I was. My dad looked at him and laughingly said, "you know she was asleep, right?" When the friend didn't believe him, my dad replied, "yeah. She'll have no memory of this in the morning". And I didn't. :)