Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sink or Swim

In attempts to avoid the awful swimming lesson experience Jack has had in the past I am giving the kids private lessons. I am more than qualified, I was on swim team for 10+ years, taught group and private lessons for 8+ years, coached a kids (6-16 year olds) swim team for 5 years and coached a masters swim team (adults) for 3 or 4 years. If I were looking for the perfect teacher for my kids I would hire me...just to toot my own horn!

Last night was Lauren's turn. When we arrived at the pool she announced that she would rather swim in the baby pool. I calmly explained that we swim in the big pool for swimming lessons. That is when she told me she wanted to go home. What? You have to be kidding me! All I have ever hoped for in a kid is someone to follow in my swimming footsteps. I know you aren't supposed to put that much pressure on your kids, but I can't help it. Some people hope for beautiful kids, some hope for smart kids...I hoped for a swimmer...and I ended up with beautiful, smart kids! I talked her into the pool, but then she clung to my neck in attempts to drown me. When that didn't work she started crying, drawing the attention of all of the other children who love to swim. I tried a few more minutes to no avail, so I pulled her out of the pool, dried her off and walked her to the car without speaking. She followed in shock. When we got home I sent her to bed. Strike one.

Tonight was Jack's turn. I could tell he was a little nervous, no doubt it stemmed from Lauren's unsuccessful experience. When we first got into the pool he started acting skittish, but a quick mention of going home to bed snapped him out of it. He did a great job! By the end of our lesson he was jumping in and swimming 15 yards to me. And, best of all he was proud of himself!

Jack: Next time I have a lesson I am going to swim more than 15 yards!
Me: That is great you are working really hard.
Jack: What if I swim 25 yards next time?
Me: I will be really proud of you!
Jack: Will I still get to have swimming lessons?
Me: Absolutely, there is always room for improvement. Do you want to keep having swimming lessons? Are you having fun?
Jack: Yes, I am having lots of fun! Can we keep doing swimming lessons until I am 25?
Me: We can do lessons as long as you want!
Jack: How old will you be when I am 25?
Me: I will be 52.
Jack: Will you still know how to swim when you are 52?
Me: Of course!
Jack: Well, Grammy is old and she doesn't know how to swim.
Me: Sure

Tomorrow, Ben. Here's hoping it goes as well as this evening went!

1 comment:

Jaina said...

I hope that Lauren does better next week! Sounds like Jack had a great lesson :) I hope Ben's lesson goes as well as Jack's!