Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The New Dating Rules

I have many friends that have gotten divorced in the last few years. I was saddened to watch Jon and Kate split up last night. All of these women have something in common; they are learning the 'new dating rules'. I do not envy these women and I am pretty sure that if Travis and I split up I would end up living a life of celibacy. I had to chuckle as my kids explained the dating rules to me from their point of view.

Ben: When I get bigger can we go on a date?
Me: Sure.
Jack: I will take you on a date to McAllister's!
Lauren: I want to go on a date with you too!
Jack: You can't go on a date with mom!
Me: Why not?
Lauren: Yes, I can!
Jack: No, you can't because you are a girl. Only boys can go on dates with girls and since you are a girl you can't go on a date wit mom because she is a girl. Ben and I are boys, so we can go on dates with mom.
Me: Can moms go on dates with her sons?
Jack: Sure, why not?

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