Thursday, November 6, 2008

Feast vs. Fired

Me: Do you want the WHOLE family to join you at school for your Thanksgiving feast?
Jack: YEAH!!!!
Me: Okay, I will turn this in.
Jack: Wait a minute...Does daddy have the day off?
Me: No
Jack: Then I just want you and the babies to come.
Me: Why not daddy?
Jack: It isn't worth daddy losing his job over.
Me: Daddy won't lose his job if he comes to lunch.
Jack: Yes he will! If he skips work he will get fired!
Me: Daddy gets to go to lunch; he will eat at your feast for his lunch break.
Jack: Okay, he can come as long as he doesn't get fired.

1 comment:

Jaina said...

Aww, what a thoughtful little guy.