Tuesday, November 4, 2008

All I Want For Christmas Is...Everything

My mom has already started her Christmas shopping. Yes, she is a big show off, but let's get back to me...I mean Ben. My mom wanted me to have the kids go through the Toys R Us Big Toy Book and make a list of things they would like for Christmas. All three of the kids picked at least one thing on every page, but Ben took the cake. Benny circled every single boy toy in the catalog. It didn't matter if the toy was geared towards 6 month olds or 16 year olds he wanted it all! He even went as far as to circle the politically correct model in the wheelchair. He told me that he wanted to ride in that chair with wheels! I can see his letter to Santa now:

Dear Santa,

I have included a copy of the Big Toy Book so that I don't have to write everything down. As a general rule, if it is in this catalog and isn't pink I would like you to bring it down the chimney. If you have room in your sleigh after loading all of my toys I would also like my own wheelchair. If you don't have room, I don't mind if you make two trips.

Your biggest fan


Lisa said...

We haven't got the Toys R Us Toybook yet....what's up with that? We received Target's today though and each girl has thought of more than enough stuff that they "need".

Jaina said...

Lol, I remember doing that with the American Girl catalogue...only I was a few years older-er than Ben. At least he's got a good excuse.